Secor Metropark

Toledo, OH

Inside/outside: innovative design welcomes visitors to unique park

Renovated park becomes regional gateway

Located in the Oak Openings Region of Toledo, Secor Metropark offers a rich and diverse ecology of mature oak trees, rolling sand dunes, wetlands, meadows, prairies, and northwest Ohio’s largest concentration of native dogwoods.

As part of renovating the park and re-positioning it as a gateway to the Oak Openings Region, EDGE prepared a master re-development plan for the park, as well as subsequent construction documentation.

Visitors at Secor Metropark view wildlife through the large windows in the wildlife viewing area.

“Outside-in & inside-out” highlights rich local ecology

Working with the architect, EDGE developed an “Outside-in & Inside-out” approach to the welcome center building renovation, extending elements of the building into the landscape while pulling unique elements of the site into the structure. The main entrance and gallery exhibit spaces were opened to allow views and access to the site.

Additional features include native plantings that echo the diverse ecology of the region and a Windows on Wildlife (WOW) display area. The WOW, which provides interpretive information, attracts wildlife with strategically placed feeding stations that are visible from both inside the welcome center and from outdoor patio spaces.